Managing and implementing impact evaluations: lessons from 3ie agricultural innovation grants

Learning summary Brief 3ie PDF icon 2018  

This learning brief draws from the preliminary challenges and lessons from the ongoing impact evaluations under 3ie’s agricultural innovation thematic window.

What works to improve nutrition and food security in the Sahel?

Working paper Brief 3ie PDF icon 2018  
This brief summarises the main findings and lessons from a synthesis of four 3ie-supported impact evaluations of the World Food Programme’s interventions to improve nutrition and food security outcomes.

Safe drinking water. Who is willing to pay the price?

Systematic review Brief 3ie PDF icon 2012  
Treating water can reduce the prevalence of diarrhoea by up to 70 percent. Although there are several inexpensive water treatment technologies available, statistics show that every 15 seconds a child dies due to waterborne diseases. Over 700 million people still lack access to safe drinking water.

Using evidence to inform the scale-up and adoption of biofortified orange sweet potato in Uganda

Evidence use Brief 3ie PDF icon 2017  
In Uganda, vitamin A deficiency is a health challenge, with 28 per cent of preschool children estimated to be deficient. To address this issue, the international organisation HarvestPlus has been promoting vitamin A-enriched orange sweet potato (OSP) to improve the diets of the poor.

Interventions in developing nations for improving primary and secondary school enrolments

Systematic review 3ie PDF icon 2013  

This systematic review by Petrosino and colleagues assesses and synthesises the evidence on the effects of school enrollment policies and programmes in developing countries on enro

Theory-based impact evaluation: principles and practice

Working paper 3ie PDF icon 2009  

Calls for rigorous impact evaluation has been accompanied by the quest for what works and why.

The GoBifo project evaluation report: Assessing the impacts of community-driven development in Sierra Leone

Impact evaluation 3ie PDF icon 2014  

In this study, Katherine Casey, Rachel Glennerster and Edward Miguel evaluate the impact of GoBifo, a community driven development programme in Sierra Leone.

Identification and measurement of health-related spillovers in impact evaluations

Systematic review summary 3ie PDF icon 2016  
This systematic review summary by Benjamin-Chung and colleagues tries to identify mechanisms that trigger spillover through geographic or social proximity, learning or imitation, norm-shaping, income and substitute effects, general equilibrium effects and relative deprivation.

Engaging communities for increasing immunisation coverage: what do we know?

Scoping paper 3ie PDF icon 2015  

Immunisation coverage rates continue to stagnate or even decline in some parts of the world.

Reanalysis of health and educational impacts of a school-based deworming program in western Kenya Part 1 and 2: pure replication and alternative analyses

Replication paper 3ie 2014  

3ie funded a two-part replication study of Edward Miguel and Michael Kremer’s well-known impact evaluation of a school-based deworming programme in Kenya.

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