The current state of peacebuilding programming and evidence

Scoping paper 3ie PDF icon 2015  

Currently very few conflict-affected countries have met a single Millennium Development Goal.

TV, female empowerment and demographic change in rural India

Replication paper 3ie 2014  

In this paper, Vegard Iversen and Richard Palmer-Jones re-examine the possible causal benefits of increased cable television access on women’s status.

Assessing the impact of agricultural risk insurance programmes on smallholder farmers

Programme overview Brief 3ie PDF icon 2017  
This grant programme funds the generation of policy-relevant evidence on factors that affect successful uptake of agricultural insurance among smallholder farmers in low-and lower-middle income countries.

Early implementation lessons from 3ie-supported impact evaluations of humanitarian assistance

Learning summary Brief 3ie PDF icon 2016  
This learning brief draws from the preliminary challenges and lessons from the ongoing impact evaluations under 3ie’s Humanitarian Assistance Evidence Programme.

Evidence-informed policy change: improved access to groundwater in West Bengal, India

Evidence use Brief 3ie PDF icon 2017  
The brief highlights how a number of factors contributed to why the findings of this impact evaluation resonated among policymakers, which in turn informed two changes to West Bengal’s groundwater access policies.

Mapping what we know about the effects of agriculture, land-use change and forestry programmes

Evidence gap map Brief 3ie PDF icon 2017  
The ways in which people manage agricultural and forest lands are critical for climate change mitigation, global food security and achieving the sustainable development goals. 3ie’s evidence gap map takes stock of the existing evidence on the effects of interventions in the agriculture, land use and forestry sectors.

Youth and transferable skills: an evidence gap map

Evidence gap map 3ie PDF icon 2015  

Policymakers, programme implementers and educators recognise that the skills a young person needs to succeed in today’s world go beyond technical know-how in an employment setting.

A rapid assessment randomised-controlled trial of improved cookstoves in rural Ghana

Impact evaluation 3ie PDF icon 2013  
This impact evaluation, by David I. Levine and Jason Burwen, uses a randomised controlled trial to quantify the impact of an improved wood cookstove on changes in fuel use, exposure to smoke and self-reported health in the upper west region of Ghana.

We all need more education: What can be done to reduce teacher absenteeism

Impact evaluation Brief 3ie PDF icon 2009  
Monitoring and financial incentives have been shown to have a significant impact on absenteeism, whereas local monitoring of attendance has failed to have such an impact. However, more evidence is required to strengthen these conclusions.

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