Some reflections on current debates in impact evaluation

Working paper 3ie PDF icon 2009  

Howard White reflects on the impact evaluation debates. Impact evaluation has been defined in various ways. One refers to outcome and long-term effects. The other is about attribution.

The promise of preschool in Africa: a randomized impact evaluation of early childhood development in rural Mozambique

Impact evaluation 3ie PDF icon 2013  

This 3ie supported study is the first evaluation of an early childhood development programme in Africa - a continent where the majority of children under the age of 5 do not grow or learn to their

Water, sanitation and hygiene interventions to combat childhood diarrhoea in developing countries

Systematic review 3ie PDF icon 2009  

This systematic review by Hugh Waddington, et al.

Impact Evaluation Makes Good Sense -Emmanuel Jimenez's interview with Businessworld


In this interview with Neeta Mishra of Businessworld, executive director of 3ie, Emmanuel Jimenez talks about the role of impact evaluation in assisting policymakers. Emmanuel Jimenez discusses the importance of how designing and implementing policies that are meant to improve the lives of the poor do a better job if they are informed by evidence on what works, for whom and why.

What evidence is available and what is required in humanitarian assistance?

Scoping paper 3ie PDF icon 2014  

Most areas in the humanitarian sector suffer from a paucity of evidence.

Quality evidence for policymaking: I’ll believe it when I see the replication

Replication paper 3ie 2014  
This paper by Annette N Brown, Drew B Cameron and Benjamin DK Wood review current literature and trends in social science research to emphasise the importance of replication for evidence-based policymaking in international development.

3ie replication programme

Programme overview Brief 3ie PDF icon 2016  
This brief gives an overview of 3ie's replication programme, which was established as a global public good in 2011. The programme was designed to help ensure the reliability and test the robustness of influential or innovative impact evaluation evidence used for development policymaking or programming.

How to insitutionalize evaluation?

Learning summary Brief 3ie PDF icon 2009  
Policy-makers are experimenting with billions of people’s lives on a daily basis without informed consent, and without rigorous evidence that what they do works, does not harm, and could not be achieved more efficiently through other means. In this context, carefully designed and implemented evaluations have the potential to save lives and improve people’s welfare.

Evidence for peacebuilding: an evidence gap map

Evidence gap map 3ie PDF icon 2015  

Around 70 per cent of fragile states have seen conflict since 1989 and 30 per cent of official development assistance is spent in fragile and conflict-affected situations.

Using evidence to prevent violence against women in Uganda

Evidence use Brief 3ie PDF icon 2017  
The brief highlights stakeholders’ uptake and use of study findings of an impact evaluation of, SASA!, a community-based programme to prevent violence against women. It also identifies the main factors, which, together with evidence, facilitated uptake and use.

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