Understanding impacts of El Niño and the Indian Ocean Dipole in the Indo-Pacific

Climate events have significant consequences on societies and economies, deeply affecting people’s livelihoods, income, food security, and health conditions. Climate patterns can influence weather in ways that can have cascading effects on both the local and global scales. With support from FCDO’s Research Commissioning Centre, 3ie is examining the evidence of the effects of El Niño and the positive Indian Ocean Dipole on health, economics, conflict, migration, and food security across low- and middle-income countries in the Indo-Pacific region.

3ie News March 2024

3ie Newsletter | Our new strategy, blog and upcoming events
As we continue to grow our network of collaborators, our new Strategy 2024-2026 outlines the vision and mission of 3ie, a trusted long-term evidence partner globally. We have refined and reinforced our approach to working with governments and development institutions to understand and meet their evidence needs where they are. Our three strategic objectives are aligned with the core principles of the pathways to impact.

Accessibility Statement

Accessibility statement

Version: 1.1; April 2024  

The International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie) is committed to ensuring our website is inclusive and accessible for all users. This accessibility statement applies to content published on 3ie's website: https://www.3ieimpact.org and provides an overview of what users can expect.

3ie News February 2024

New funding opportunities from the FCDO Research Commissioning Centre
We are excited to announce three new funding opportunities on behalf of the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO)’s Research Commissioning Centre. Managed by 3ie and the University of Birmingham, the Research Commissioning Centre (RCC) is inviting applications from organizations and consortia to conduct research on topics across international development and foreign policy.

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