3ie announces centre to manage FCDO research investments

The International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie) is proud to announce the establishment of a new research commissioning centre to support the Research and Evidence Directorate (RED) of the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO). Led by 3ie, the University of Birmingham and an unmatched consortium of UK and global research partners, this centre will help manage strategic investments in science, technology and evidence.

3ie News October 2023

Major bilateral and multilateral organizations sign 3ie-led evidence pledge | 3ie podcast on women’s empowerment and many more updates
We are excited to announce the launch of the Global Evidence Commitment, a 3ie-led initiative to improve the effectiveness of development programs, starting with institutionalizing evidence use within development organizations.

Strengthening rule of law and justice programming at USAID

Evidence impact summary  
USAID’s Rule of Law Policy cites 3ie's evidence gap map (EGM) as a pioneering step to informing its programmatic approach to rule of law and justice reforms.

Scaling up school infrastructure improvements in West Africa

Evidence impact summary  
The 3ie rapid response brief highlighted the positive effects of school infrastructure improvements on primary school students, which informed deliberations within the West African Development Bank (BOAD) to scale up the school infrastructure program in Côte d'Ivoire, Mali, Niger, and Senegal.

Global Evidence Commitment

The Global Evidence Commitment is an opportunity for leading institutions to commit to improving evidence culture and use in their organizations.

Estudio del impacto de un programa humanitario de transferencia monetaria en Colombia

En el contexto de la crisis humanitaria, el programa ADN Dignidad en Colombia proporciona transferencias monetarias no condicionadas a migrantes venezolanos, colombianos que retornan al país, y comunidades de acogida para cubrir necesidades básicas. Recientemente, 3ie completó una evaluación de impacto del programa ejecutado por Acción contra el Hambre, el Consejo Danés para los Refugiados (DRC) y el Consejo Noruego para los Refugiados (NRC), financiado por la Oficina de Ayuda Humanitaria (BHA) de USAID.

Debunking Myths about Impact Evaluations in Humanitarian Contexts

What can impact evaluation methods tell us that other evaluation methods cannot? Dive into the world of impact evaluations in this animated video where Paul and Jane discover the impact of their program to inform data-driven decisions.

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