3ie News June 2023

3ie Newsletter | Rapid response evidence from West Africa on WASH, 'living' food systems E&GM update, and more
Leaders and policymakers in West Africa have been consistently expanding how they draw upon evidence and inform their decisions. To help policymakers in their evidence journey, 3ie’s West Africa Capacity Development and Impact Evaluation (WACIE) program offers various services, including a helpdesk.

International coalition champions global health equity

In 2023 the World EBHC Day organizing partners have invited Health Information for All (HIFA), E-Base Africa, International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie), The George Institute and University of Global Health Equity as campaign partners. 3ie is excited to contribute to developing and strengthening the campaign, ‘Evidence and Global Health Equity’, with our unique expertise, knowledge and resources.

Using evidence to strengthen gender equality in fragile contexts

Evidence impact summary  
The German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, BMZ, used findings of a 3ie systematic review to call for a greater focus on addressing gendered social norms.

Studying Impacts of a Humanitarian Cash Transfer Program in Colombia

People displaced because of humanitarian crises around the world face immense challenges meeting basic needs, accessing public services and livelihood support.

3ie News May 2023

3ie Newsletter | 15th anniversary, resilience gap map and more
At 3ie's 15th anniversary event, experts and leaders from the development community acknowledged that to enhance the use of data and evidence in policy and decision-making, there needed to be a recalibration of processes within institutions. Inter-American Development Bank President Ilan Goldfajn delivered the keynote at the event, co-organized with the Center for Global Development, where he stressed the need to cultivate an ‘effectiveness culture’.

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