3ie News September 2023

Partnerships, new podcast, democracy research and opportunities
Our 15th anniversary year has been an opportunity for celebration and recharging with all our great partners, friends, and evidence heroes across the globe. As we enter the last quarter of 2023, I wanted to share some reflections from a series of key engagements and strategic deliberations this year.

Using evidence to inform policy | Beryl Leach

The use of research evidence in policymaking or programme design is not a straightforward process. Beryl Leach cuts through the complexities of the issue and gives practical pointers on how research uptake can be increased.

Why meta-analysis is policy-relevant | Hugh Waddington

In this video, 3ie's Hugh Waddington explains why meta-analysis is one of the most appropriate methods for decision-makers to use in policymaking.

Construire une théorie du changement pour une évaluation d'impact| Rosaine N. Yegbemey

Une théorie du changement est un outil important dans le processus de conception et de planification d’une évaluation d’impact. Dans cette vidéo, Rosaine N.

How to use an evidence gap map | Birte Snilstveit

3ie’s evidence gap maps provide a graphical and colourful display of areas with strong, weak or non-existent evidence on the effects of development programmes.

How to manage a randomised evaluation | Howard White

Managing a randomised evaluation can involve addressing several challenges on the ground. In this video, Professor Howard White explores specific issues such as the need for securing the buy-in of key stakeholders, ensuring realistic timelines and overcoming opposition to randomisation.

How to design a randomised evaluation | Howard White

Randomised impact evaluations generate rigorous evidence on the impact of a programme. In this video, Professor Howard White explains the different designs of a randomised evaluation and how it is possible to choose the right design for an intervention.

How to build a theory of change for an impact evaluation | Howard White

A comprehensive theory of change is integral to designing high quality and policy-relevant impact evaluation. In this video, Professor Howard White uses the example of a school feeding programme to illustrate the steps involved in building a theory of change for an impact evaluation.

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