#3ie15years | Investments in promoting the use of evidence by Jörg Faust

Among our network of evidence supporters and champions, DEval has been a long-term key partner. As part of our commitment to learn and reflect in our 15th year, we spoke with Prof. Dr Jörg Faust, Director at Deval on evidence use, and working with 3ie.

#3ie15years | Hear what partners have to say | Dugan Fraser, Global Evidence Initiative

In his message, Global Evidence Initiative (GEI) Program Manager Dugan Fraser highlights our close collaboration in a number of areas, including our work on gender and in West Africa, Fraser says, “3ie is a real asset to people who work in the evidence ecosystem and its ongoing success means succ

3ie News December 2023

Season's greetings and a happy new year from 3ie
While 3ie scored many successes in 2023, it’s been another year of multiple, often mutually reinforcing challenges and catastrophes across the world.While virus epidemics continue to be a concern, 2023 has witnessed epidemics of disinformation and democratic backsliding, wars of words and values, and zero-sum games being played over issues of land and climate. In the midst of this, 2023 has also seen medical and technological breakthroughs that while needing appropriate regulation, can bring new solutions and relief to the world.

3ie News November 2023

New 3ie centre to manage FCDO research investments | World Toilet Day| #3ie15years and many more
Building on our long-standing partnership with the UK government and its various departments, we are proud to announce the establishment of a new research commissioning centre to support the Research and Evidence Directorate (RED) of the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO).

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