¿Cómo construir una teoría de cambio? 3ie Cómo - serie de video conferencias | Diana López Ávila

En este video, la especialista en evaluación de 3ie Diana López Ávila utiliza el ejemplo de un programa de visitas domiciliarias, enfocado a la primera infancia, para ilustrar los pasos principales para construir una teoría de cambio.

How to use innovative methods for humanitarian evaluations

In this 3ie how-to video, Tara Kaul, evaluation specialist, will highlight some of the lessons we’ve learned in supporting evidence generation and use, and provide real-world examples of successful research strategies.

Are Impact Evaluations in Humanitarian Settings Necessarily Unethical?

This is the second video in the series, "Debunking Myths about Impact Evaluations in Humanitarian Contexts" brought to you by Humanitarian Assistance Evidence Cycle (HAEC).

Evaluation of the Supreme Court reforms in the Philippines | 3ie Philippines Evidence Programme

Under the 3ie's Philippines Evidence Programme, a unique partnership between 3ie, Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and The National Economic and Development Authority, the premier socioeconomic planning body of the Philippines, three impact evaluations were commissioned to eval

Promoting Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

One’s health and well-being are related to one’s sexual and reproductive rights, which are human rights. However, many people still encounter challenges to bodily autonomy, sexual choice and accessing quality services. Despite a global commitment to and improvements in contraceptive use, maternal and newborn health, and adolescent health, challenges to sexual and reproductive health and rights remain, particularly in low- and middle-income countries.

How a comprehensive systematic review comes together | Philip Davies

Systematic Reviews are essential for presenting the balance of research evidence on a topic. Philip Davies runs you through how a comprehensive systematic review comes together

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