Mapping Evidence to Address Root Causes and Drivers of Irregular Migration

Massive irregular migration continues, along with more migrant tragedies. While interventions seeking to address its root causes have grown, there is limited evidence of their effectiveness.

Evidence for Curbing Democratic Backsliding

Over the past 30 years, while advocacy for democracy and democratic freedoms has spread, countries across the globe have been experiencing democratic backsliding. There are more contexts with deterioration of qualities associated with democratic governance or erosion in democratic principles such as competitive elections, political participation, and public accountability.

3ie News April 2023

Insights from the Development Evidence Portal: Where is the evidence (like, on a map)? | World Immunization Week – Explore 3ie’s latest research | Mapping water, sanitation and health achievements to prosperity, stability and resilience outcomes – An innovative systematic map |New publications, Events and blogs

Study of the COVAX Facility and Advance Market Commitment

3ie worked with a consortium led by Itad to conduct a baseline review and formative study of the design, implementation and emerging results of the COVAX Facility and AMC to support accountability and learning for course correction.
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