Interventions to improve the labour market outcomes of youth: A systematic review of training, entrepreneurship promotion, employment services and subsidized employment interventions
3ie Systematic review 37
This systematic review by Kluve and colleagues examines the effects of active labour market programmes for youth, including training and skills development, entrepreneurship promotion, employment services and subsidised employment. The authors systematically collected and analysed 113 impact evaluations, which used randomised and quasi-experimental methods to determine effects on employment, wages and productivity. The authors find that youth employment programmes are effective in promoting employment and earnings. Skills training and entrepreneurship promotion interventions are most promising in boosting these outcomes, but more evidence is needed on entrepreneurship promotion schemes. The review shows that programmes conducted in low- and middle-income countries tend to have bigger effects on employment and wages than those in high-income countries. The authors conclude that interventions on both supply and demand sides of the labour market are needed to improve outcomes.