Impact evaluations

These are final reports of 3ie-supported impact evaluations that assess the difference a development intervention has made to social and economic outcomes. We fund rigorous evaluations that include a theory-based experimental or quasi-experimental design, and we use the most appropriate mix of methods to capture outcomes and answer what works, for whom, why and at what cost.

Latest impact evaluation report series

Impact evaluation report series

Looking for more impact evaluation evidence? Search our impact evaluation repository to find both 3ie and non-3ie funded studies, summaries and links to the original studies

KhetScore: Impacts of using digital technologies to unlock credit and insurance for marginal farmers in Odisha

Impact evaluation 3ie 2025  
This report describes the findings of an impact evaluation of KhetScore, an innovative tool that employs digital technologies to unlock credit and insurance for small and marginal farmers in the state of Odisha, India.

Picture-based crop insurance: A randomized controlled trial evaluating the impacts of using smartphone camera data for claims verification in India

Impact evaluation 3ie 2025  
The authors of this report summarize the findings from an impact evaluation of a crop insurance scheme called picture-based crop insurance in the state of Haryana, India.

The effects of providing paid formal work and training on women’s empowerment: Evidence from weavers’ collectives in India

Impact evaluation 3ie 2025  
This report presents the results of a process evaluation of interventions aimed at weaver communities in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana implemented by the Chitrika Foundation.

Impact evaluation of the UN Secretary-General’s Peacebuilding Fund-supported East Darfur Assalaya-Sheiria-Yassin Triangle of Peace and Coexistence project

Impact evaluation 3ie 2024  
This report presents new evidence on the effectiveness of a peacebuilding project in Darfur, Sudan supported by the United Nations Secretary-General's Peacebuilding Fund. It shows that the project reduced the number of land conflicts and improved service provision.

An impact assessment of EAMDA’s banana initiative to increase technology adoption by smallholder farmers in Kenya

Impact evaluation 3ie 2023  
The authors of this study evaluate the short-run impacts of a project aimed at modernizing banana cultivation in Kenya implemented by the East Africa Market Development Associates (EAMDA).

Impact Evaluation of the ADN Dignidad Program: Understanding the impact of a Humanitarian Cash Transfer (HCT) program in Colombia

Impact evaluation 3ie 2023  
The authors of this report examine the effectiveness of unconditional cash transfers for improving the lives of displaced Venezuelans and their households in Colombia.

Community advocacy forums and public service delivery in Uganda: Impact and the role of information, deliberation and administrative placement

Impact evaluation 3ie 2021  
The authors of this report examine the impact of community advocacy forums or citizen barazas in holding the government accountable and on public service delivery in Uganda.

Evaluation of secondary school teacher training under the School Sector Development Programme in Nepal

Impact evaluation 3ie 2021  
Authors of this report estimate the impacts of teacher training programmes aimed at secondary school maths and science teachers on their subject knowledge, teaching practices and student test scores. These training programmes form a key component of the government's efforts to improve quality through the School Sector Development Programme. 

Impacts of supportive feedback and nonmonetary incentives on child immunisation in Ethiopia

Impact evaluation 3ie 2021  
Authors of this report evaluate the impact of an intervention that uses a behavioural science approach to increase vaccination coverage in Ethiopia by providing nonmonetary incentives to caregivers and health workers.

Impacts of electronic case management systems on court congestion in the Philippines

Impact evaluation 3ie 2021  
Authors of this report assess the impact of an electronic case management system on court-and case-level outcomes such as operational efficiency, transparency and accountability, in the Philippines.