Synthesis of impact evaluations of the World Food Programme’s nutrition interventions in humanitarian settings in the Sahel
3ie Working Paper 31
Acute malnutrition in the Sahel region affects an estimated 6 million children under the age of 5, of whom approximately 1.4 million require treatment for severe acute malnutrition. Considerable evidence of the effectiveness of interventions to treat moderate acute malnutrition under optimal conditions exists. However, there is insufficient and equivocal understanding of the relationship between prevention and treatment of malnutrition.
This working paper synthesises findings and lessons from four 3ie-supported impact evaluations of the World Food Programme’s interventions to improve nutrition and food security outcomes in Chad, Mali, Niger and Sudan. It also provides evidence on the interrelationship between programmes for preventing and treating moderate acute malnutrition in emergency and post-emergency contexts.
A version of this working paper was published by the World Food Programme. The paper and a management response by the World Food Programme Executive Board to the recommendations made in the synthesis paper, are available here.
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