Our new strategy (2021-2023) responds to the rapid pace of change and the considerable challenges of today and tomorrow. These challenges include not only the ramifications of the COVID-19 pandemic but also the many other factors that will transform the planet in the coming decades, socially, economically, and politically.
While we have made some changes to how we work and to our strategic objectives, the vision and mission that underpin our work will remain. We believe that improving lives sustainably in low- and middle-income countries through evidence-informed decision-making will be as relevant and vital as ever in the years ahead. To this end, we will continue to support and promote the generation and effective use of high-quality evidence of what works, for whom, why and at what cost.
We have three overarching objectives: (1) Supporting the generation and use of policy-relevant evaluative evidence; (2) Building strategic partnerships and collaborations to drive evidence-informed development; and, (3) Pushing the frontiers of evidence for sustainable and equitable social progress.
Read our full strategy |
Spotlight | Evidence impact summaries portal
 We are excited to announce the launch of our new Evidence Impact Summaries, a unique public portal that allows you to explore all the ways in which 3ie-supported evidence has informed and influenced decision-makers.
On the portal you can find more than fifty summaries, categorized by sector, geography, and even by type of impact. Each summary has a section that briefly analyses how contexts, actors, and other mechanisms affected the use of evidence.
Explore the portal
Latest summary | Formative stage findings inform women’s empowerment project
 The Aga Khan Foundation incorporated findings and recommendations from a 3ie-supported formative evaluation into its design of project Mesha. The project trains rural women’s self-help group members in Bihar to provide critical veterinary services. According to the implementing agency, the study stressed the importance of engaging the community in identifying prices for the different services, a recommendation that helped refine the project’s design. Read the full summary>>
Want to know more? Check out our blogs
In the coming months, we will dive deeper into what counts as evidence impact, explore the factors that improve the chances of evidence being used and detail our strategies to verify claims that evidence has had impact. Here are some of our latest blogs.
- A systematic approach to building the evidence base for gender equality and women’s empowerment in fragile contexts | Meital Kupfer, Will Ridlehoover, Etienne Lwamba, Shannon Shisler, Ada Sonnenfeld
- The impact of aquaculture on productivity, income, nutrition and women’s empowerment: A call for evidence | Cem Yavuz, Shannon Shisler, Constanza Gonzalez Parrao
- This new evidence gap map shows what we know – and what we don't know – about food systems interventions | Ingunn Storhaug, Charlotte Lane
- Despite the hype, do not expect big data to replace traditional surveys anytime soon | Douglas Glandon, Ran Goldblatt, Maria Ruth Jones, Bilal Siddiqi
- Big Data in the time of a pandemic | Zeba Siddiqui, Francis Rathinam
Request for proposals for household data collection for an impact evaluation in Bengaluru
3ie is seeking a data collection partner to conduct household-level surveys for an impact evaluation of the H&M Foundation’s Collective Impact initiative that aims to improve lives of waste pickers in the city. The service provider will be expected to conduct enumerator training, develop and pre-test electronic data collection modules, and manage and supervise data collection amongst other activities. This call is for organisations or consortia of organisations based in India; individuals may not apply. The deadline for submissions is 15 March 2021.
Read full terms of reference >>
Download 3ie budget template>> |
Have you registered for RIDIE?
3ie’s Registry for International Development Impact Evaluations or RIDIE allows researchers to record information about their study plan and make essential details publicly available.
Why use RIDIE? | Visit the platform |
Upcoming events
Big data for development: bridging the gap between machine learning and human learning | 3 March | 14:45 - 16:00 GMT
As the buzz around using big data to measure development effectiveness and guide decision-making continues to build, a growing number of examples of real-world applications add nuance to our understanding of opportunities and limitations. Increasingly sophisticated and accessible tools and methods provide new options and new blind spots in data-informed decision-making. This upcoming CEDIL webinar will be a panel discussion focusing on the use of big data in impact evaluation, program targeting and monitoring, and predictive analytics in international development. Read more>>
Evidence-informed development – starting with the man in the mirror | 17 March | 15:30 - 17:30 BST
Most of the recent discussions in international development have been about promoting evidence-informed decisions by policymakers and program implementers from L&MICs. What has been less discussed is the practice and the decisions taken by international development institutions on the extent of using data and research to diagnose and address problems in their country programming. In this evidence dialogues webinar, we will discuss how institutions can incentivize and train people in using research and evidence to design the best possible interventions and the importance of continuous monitoring, evaluation, learning and adaptations. Operational and evaluation leaders in Norad, UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, the Millennium Challenge Corporation and the World Bank Group will also discuss the how rigorous evaluation is financed and built into development programs to ensure its effectiveness. Read more>>
Past events
3ie webinar| Demand-driven evidence: Putting the Philippines government in the driver’s seat, 18 February (Watch video)
3ie webinar | Mapping the effects of food systems interventions on food security and nutrition: Launch of the 3ie Food Systems Evidence Gap Map, 15 January (Watch video)
3ie@conference | Livelihoods India Summit 2020, 28-29 January (Watch session 1, session 2) |
Impact evaluations
- Impacts of the Stimulate, Appreciate, Learn and Transfer community engagement approach to increase immunization coverage in Assam, India (Full report)
- Impacts of judicial reform in small claims procedures on court congestion in the Philippines (Full report)
- Impacts of electronic case management systems on court congestion in the Philippines (Full report)
- Impacts of judicial reform in criminal case procedures on court congestion in the Philippines (Full report)
- Impacts of judicial reforms to address court congestion and delays in justice in the Philippines (Brief)
- Does microenterprise seed capital help the poor build sustainable livelihoods in the Philippines? (Brief)
- Impacts of a work support programme for youth on academic outcomes and employability in the Philippines (Brief)
Systematic reviews
- Strengthening intergroup social cohesion in fragile situations (Full report)
- Effects of access to electricity interventions on socio-economic outcomes in low- and middle- income countries (Brief)
Evidence gap maps: The effects of food systems interventions on food security and nutrition outcomes in low- and middle- income countries (Full report | Brief)
Other briefs
- Strengthening capacity for evidence-informed decision-making in the Philippines (Brief)
- Engaging stakeholders to identify and address implementation bottlenecks in iron-folic acid supplementation programmes in East Central Uganda (Brief)
- Enhancing consumption of iron and folic acid supplements during pregnancy (Brief)
3ie News is a bi-monthly newsletter of the International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie). We promote evidence-informed equitable, inclusive and sustainable development. We support the generation and effective use of high-quality evidence to inform decision-making and help improve the lives of people living in poverty in low- and middle-income countries. We provide guidance and support to produce, synthesise and assure the quality of evidence of what works, for whom, how, why and at what cost. |